Flannel Friday! Mystery Marsupial

Goodness, Fridays really do sneak up on you, don’t they?  But today is Friday, which means it’s also Flannel Friday!  I have a very busy month ahead of me this month, so this may be my only Flannel Friday contribution for February.  If that turns out to be the case, then you will see me again in March!

Anyway, my Flannel Friday comes from the book, 52 Programs for Preschoolers by Diane Briggs, which is my current favorite storytime-planning book.  When I did my Australian Animals storytime theme a few months ago, I was distraught by the lack of Australian animal ideas, so I was very happy to find this gem of a drawing story:

Mystery Marsupial
On the other side of the world, there is a big ocean…

And in that ocean, there are some islands.  Some of the islands are BIG.  And some of the islands are small.  And the waves of the ocean crash upon the islands.

And some amazing animals live on these islands.  One of these animals is gray, has a big nose and furry ears and looks kind of like a teddy bear.  Do you know who he is?

See if the children can guess koala (and you’d turn the drawing right side up, of course).  Guessing koala might be a bit tricky for some of the kids.  I know when I did my Australian Animals theme, only one or two of my storytime kids knew about koalas.  So if you do this one, you might want to have some koala pictures/facts/book to turn this activity into a learning experience.

The amazing Andrea is hosting today at Rovingfiddlehead Kidlit.

5 thoughts on “Flannel Friday! Mystery Marsupial

  1. I’ve wanted to try a drawing story for a while, as I love drawing. Most stories I’ve read about are too complex to draw under scrutiny (or too advanced for my storytimers to understand), but this would suit them fine. It would be a nice opening to talk about National Srorytelling Week, but that’s just finished in the UK http://www.sfs.org.uk/nswevents2012. ‘Twill have to wait until next year!

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